Kastriot Dreshaj Apps

How to do dawah 1.1
How to do dawah - Teaches you how to promoteIslamic Da’wah - the proper presentation, understanding andappreciation of Islam, as well as removing misconceptions aboutIslam - amongst less aware Muslims and non-Muslims.In conveying themessage of Islam to a non-Muslim, it is usually not sufficient tohighlight only the positive nature of Islam. Most non-Muslims arenot convinced about the truth of Islam because there are a fewquestions about Islam at the back of their minds that remainunanswered.It contains introduction to other religions as well asthe concept of God to religions likechristianity,judaism,hinduism,buddhism,sikhism,zoroasrianism ,atheism.At How to do dawah, customer satisfaction is important to us. Ifyou have any difficulties with the app, please contact us [email protected]
MyNote 1.0
MyNote is a simple notepad. It help's youwrite notes , message , quotes , study , ideas and many more.If you have any suggestion please send p.m at [email protected].
Paint Pro 1.1
A wonderful paint program for all. "The artist is a receptacle foremotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from theearth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider'sweb." Pablo Picasso.
Insta Quotes 2.0
Share Quotes with friends on social media.
Success Tracker 1.1
Track your goals and habits, reward yourself every time you finisha goal.